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Top 10 tips on Employee Engagement

Are your employees unhappy at work? What signs have you seen of staff being uninterested? What can you as a business do about it?

Ensuring that your employees are fully engaged and you are getting the best out of them can be tricky for most businesses. A disengaged workforce can cost a business a fortune in terms of lack of productivity, costs associated with recruitment and not to mention the employer branding and reputation in the market.

Here are some quick tips for you to think about on how you can increase employee engagement;

1. What is it?
What does employee engagement mean to you and your business? What does it look like? The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (2005) say that “typical phrases used in employee engagement writing include discretionary effort, going the extra mile, feeling valued and passion for work”. Make sure you have a clear idea about what you want from your employees.

2. Leaders

The leaders of the business need to …

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Top 10 tips on Employee Engagement

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