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Is this a U-turn on shielding?

The government updated their guidance for those who are classed as clinically extremely vulnerable yesterday ahead of the national lockdown starting today.

They are strongly urging those individuals that if they cannot work from home, they should not attend work. They may be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay, Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit or the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme during this period of national measures. People in the same household who are not clinically extremely vulnerable can still attend work, in line with the new national restrictions. There will be letters going out later this week to all those identified as clinically extremely vulnerable.


If you have any employees that are classed as clinically extremely vulnerable and not sure what to do if they are not able to work from home get in touch and we will advise you on the best way to manage the situation.

Is this a U-turn on shielding?

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