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Law and HR, done differently.

How can you ensure your business remains productive, whilst keeping your employees happy, in this heatwave?

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) advice is that the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings must be ‘reasonable.’ There is a minimum legal temperature (16 degrees Celsius ?) but no maximum? and so it is down to the employer to assess the situation and decide what is reasonable.

Our top tips are as follows…

?Make use of fans/air conditioning units (whilst being mindful of wires).

?Close blinds/curtains where possible (especially when you lock the office at the end of the day, so it is cooler in the morning, when staff come in).

?Provide and encourage everyone to remain hydrated with water, throughout the day (some team ? might also help!)

?Where possible, allow your staff to dress-down in cooler, more comfortable clothing and footwear.

? If your business allows, your staff could temporarily alter their working hours. For example, they could start and finish their shift earlier, to avoid working in the afternoon, when it is predicted to be the hottest.

? If their role allows, you could let your staff work from home, where they may be more comfortable and cooler (and can avoid travelling in the hot weather).

? Some public transport such as trains may be affected by the extreme heat. This could have an impact on staff attendance and so you should encourage staff to check their planned route in advance to see if there are any disruptions. If there are, work with them to see what you can do to help. Can you allow them to work more flexibly so they can get to the workplace easier, or does their role allow them to work from home?

?????? Be mindful of those workers who may be adversely affected by the extreme heat. Pregnant women, women going through the menopause, employees on medication (such as antidepressants and antipsychotics) and elderly employees may fall into this category. Have an open conversation with them and ask if there is anything further you can do to support them. Would they benefit from additional breaks for example?

Get in touch for further guidance specific to your business!

? Drop us a message on here
? 0161 478 3800.

How can you ensure your business remains productive, whilst keeping your employees happy, in this heatwave?

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