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Football Club gets it right with sacking for a pornographic email sent 5 years ago.

Was it a repudiatory breach of contract to forward an obscene and pornographic email at work?

Yes, held the High Court in Williams v Leeds United Football Club.

Mr Williams, a senior employee, brought a claim for wrongful dismissal. He had been dismissed, with notice, on grounds of redundancy. However, Within a week of being given notice, the Club summarily dismissed him on grounds of gross misconduct. It had discovered that 5 years ago, he had forwarded an email described as “dirty Leeds” containing pornographic material to a junior female employee, and two others. The club refused to pay him the balance of his notice pay, approx £200,000.

The notice pay claim was dismissed. Although it was clear that the club had planned to stop paying his notice pay before notice was served (knowing it to be a breach of contract) and had investigators seeking evidence of misconduct, there was no evidence that they knew of the offensive email before redundancy notice was given. The sending of the email 5 1/2 years earlier was a breach of the duty of trust and confidence, particularly given his senior position. The nature of the images, the fact that it could amount to harassment of the female employee and the potential consequences to the club was sufficiently serious to amount to repudiatory conduct. The Club was therefore entitled to dismiss him without notice.

Football Club gets it right with sacking for a pornographic email sent 5 years ago.

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