0161 478 3800 | hello@peachlaw.co.uk

Law and HR, done differently.

Employment law for individuals

Employment Law for Employees.

Having a problem at work can be incredibly stressful, and you often don’t know which way to turn. With our help, you will really feel like you’ve got a friend on your side. Get in touch with a member of our qualified employment law team who can provide advice and legal support for employees who can advise and support every individual. Call us now on 0161 478 3800.

If you’re an employee looking for employment lawyer in Manchester, contact us to see how we can help.

We believe legal woes are trying enough without a cold and corporate law firm handling your case. The Peach Law team provides robust but friendly employment law services for individuals who are in some of the most challenging positions in their careers.

How we work with you.

These three pillars form the basis of our process and allow us to provide a complete, bespoke service tailored to your needs.


We’ll listen closely to your individual concerns to get the full picture of what exactly has happened.


Working together we’ll come up with a plan that’s workable for you.


We want to ensure we get the best possible outcome for you so we’ll assess all your options to make sure you’re happy with the end result.

We are here for you.

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