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Changes to Paternity Leave

Proposed changes to Paternity Leave announced in the summer of 2023 have now been published.  The new regulations will apply in all cases where the expected week of childbirth (EWC) is on or after 6th April 2024.

What’s changing……..

New Regulation

Old Regulation

  • 2-weeks leave can be taken in 2 separate 1 week blocks
  • Leave had to be taken together as either 1 week or 2 weeks
  • Leave can be taken anytime in the 52 weeks after birth
  • Leave had to be taken in the 56 days following birth
  • Provide 28 days’ notice of intention to take paternity leave
  • Provide notice 15 weeks before expected week of childbirth


Are your policies up to date?

For help and support with this and any other HR/Employment Law matter contact us:

Email: hello@peachlaw.co.uk

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Call:  0161 478 3800

Changes to Paternity Leave

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