0161 478 3800 | hello@peachlaw.co.uk

Law and HR, done differently.

‘Awesome’ Training

Line Managers are the backbone of any business and it’s crucial they have the right skills and knowledge to support both the business and their team.

This is us on the way to London to deliver a one-day Line Manager training program to one of our clients.  We spent the day with 12 Line Managers discussing:

  • Managing capability and conduct
  • Managing grievances
  • How to conduct effective investigations
  • Communication skills
  • Case studies
  • Do & Don’ts to keep the business safe and secure

We got excellent feedback, achieving a 5/5 score from all delegates on the overall verdict of the training.

They also said:

‘It was awesome – we are nervous of pitfalls so outstanding to have this training opportunity’

‘Very clear – presented well with lots of good examples and information given’

‘Very interactive and specific to our jobs and what we may encounter’


These fantastic reviews are a testament to the importance of investing in training for Line Managers.


Contact us for more information:


Email:  hello@peachlaw.co.uk

Connect with us on LinkedIn – Peach Law (HR & Employment Law Specialists)

Call: 0161 478 3800

‘Awesome’ Training

Join the hundreds of businesses that trust Peach for their unrivalled legal and HR services.

Peach Law was born out of a desire to provide clients with more flexible specialist employment law and HR expertise without the traditional call centre approach and without the need for rigid and expensive law firms. You’ll only ever speak to the senior individuals working on your account. You’ll get the information you need, when you need it.

A refreshing blend of legal & HR expertise.

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